This class combines the theory and practice of good writing for university students. Those enrolled will address theories of composition as they apply to basic research papers and reports. In conjunction with writing theory and practice, in relation to their own writing, members of the class will also serve as tutors in another class in which formal written work is part of the curriculum. They will serve as tutors under the supervision of the Practicum instructor, and in cooperation with the instructor of the target class.
From Dalhousie University's Undergraduate Calendar
At the beginning of the year, we were asked to prepare a brief presentation on the way in which we approached the writing process. I imagine this was to help us be more reflexive about the process we would be soon be instructing, and it was quite effective - many realized how difficult it was to explain what exactly happened upon being assigned a term paper.
I passed around this handout to help describe my process. Having already had some experience instructing students on essay writing fundamentals, I was able to articulate myself quite clearly. It still alarms me how traditional my method sounds. So much for creative eccentricity.